#47 - Build A Successful Shopify App - Built for Shopify 🚀

Thanks to our sponsors for providing readers with a free newsletter 🙏👇

Gadget is a full-stack Shopify App development platform for solopreneurs. Build & run your apps on easy mode so you can focus on growing your business, not the technology. Click here to learn more

We’re starting to get sponsors for this newsletter! And I want to thank Gadget personally!

I’ve tested it, and what they created is insane when you have to build a Shopify App.

I always say that what matters is not the development side, but the marketing side. Because marketing brings money.

So using a tool like Gadget to go faster can be a game changer!

We’re ready for “Built for Shopify”

If you follow me on Twitter you know WideBundle is ready for “Built for Shopify”.

This is the new badge Shopify released that allows your app to be pushed on the App Store.

Every requirement is met and I’ve been able to apply for this new badge. (If you don’t see the button “Apply” but you have all the requirements you have to wait 24 hours like me)

I applied a few days ago but still have no reply from Shopify’s team. I don’t know how long it takes but I will share the process with you as we work to get that badge.

So let’s first see together what you need 👇

If you have a new app, don’t pay attention to that, focus on getting installs and reviews. Because you need 50 installs and 5 reviews.

It’s the same if your app isn’t new but you don’t have 5 reviews. Focus on that first, don’t pay attention to the technical requirements above.

If you have them you’ll need to:

1/ Use Theme App Extension and you shouldn’t use Assets API except if you’re a page builder

To do it it’s pretty simple, when you have to add something to the theme, use a Theme App Extension instead. It’s pretty simple and merchants are now aware of these extensions.

2/ Optimize Loading mobile devices

For that one you have to follow this page: https://shopify.dev/docs/apps/tools/app-bridge/optimized-loading

It’s simple too, you have to check a box and make sure that your app dashboard loads properly inside Shopify mobile app

3/ Use App Bridge 3.0

Please upgrade if you don’t use it at all or use version 3.0. You can use App Bridge quickly by just adding a JS script if you’re like me and you don’t use react.

That one is pretty simple too.

4/ Optimize for LCP, CLS, FID

Those will be the most complicated if it’s not optimized yet. Go to your app > Insights

For all of them, change your dashboard and use the “Lighthouse” tab from Google Chrome to see if it’s better. It will also give you what is wrong so you can improve

For LCP: Show your dashboard asap, delay your JS functions if you need to make some calls. Optimize images, etc

For CLS: Fix the width and height of your images and avoid elements that “pop” after a few seconds.

For FID: Optimize your dashboard for LCP and CLS and make sure it’s easy to understand what’s the next step for the user so he can take action immediately

5/ Embed your app

It can be hard for some apps but you’ll need to enable the checkbox to embed your app in the dashboard and change a few parameters to authorize connections.

I’m not very technical, but I can share this based on my experience applying for “Built for Shopify”.

Again, Built for Shopify can be helpful BUT it shouldn’t be your priority if you’re not growing and you don’t have any users.

It’s not a magic hack.

Mat in London

I was in London last week for 3 days. It was quick.

But I was able to meet a few other Shopify partners and it’s always great to meet people in person.

Here are the benefits:

  • Boost in motivation (you see you’re not alone)

  • Potential partnerships (it’s easier to build a relationship with people)

So if you have the opportunity to meet other people do it! It’s incredibly powerful

I will take 1 or 2 subjects you’ll send me and talk about them next week!

So if there is a specific subject you want me to talk about in this newsletter, reply to this email with your subject!

See you next week,

Mat 😁