#49 - Build A Successful Shopify App - ChatGPT 🚀

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Focus your time on the architecture and logic that makes your apps unique, not the setup. Deploy fully-functional apps in days, not months. Start building apps for free: click here to learn more

If you didn’t try it yet you should create a test app to see how powerful it is. What blew my mind was the time it takes to deploy an app.

What’s going on?

Last week we started to deploy the new WideBundle code 1 by 1. My goal is to monitor performances and bugs.

 It didn’t work well 😅

Performances are great, better than the previous code. But the problem is regarding bugs. Whenever I try the script on a new store I notice one more bug.

By “bug” I mean something that doesn’t work as expected or is different from the old script.

And it’s so annoying. That’s why new apps have unfair advantages over bigger apps.

We have many users, we can’t push things as we want or we’ll have users complaining. Smaller apps are more flexible and can go faster than us.

Also, if you’ve read previous emails you know I applied for “Built for Shopify” and we received feedback from Shopify’s team.

However, the feedback was helpful at all:

As expected, we don’t respect Shopify Design Guidelines. And it’s hard to respect them on the first try. Sometimes small things can prevent you from having that badge.

But I didn’t expect the feedback to be that unclear. We know something is wrong, but we don’t know what.

And I thought about that potential scenario:

  • They say we don’t respect design guidelines

  • We “guess” what’s wrong and make the changes for a few days.

  • We apply back and wait 1-2 weeks

  • They tell us again we don’t respect it.

  • Repeat

You understand why it’s not sustainable. So I decided not to pursue the badge.

I think my time would be better spent somewhere else.

BUT, I heard that Shopify might be working on a better solution with better feedback.

We have to understand them too:

  • They probably received many applications

  • Some people didn’t even bother trying to improve the dashboard and just wanted a free audit

  • The team is probably not that big

  • It’s completely new

So I think they will improve the system over the weeks and then we’ll be able to spend time working on it properly!

Using ChatGPT for your Shopify App

Last week I saw a tweet from @aaditsh who regularly shares ChatGPT info and tips.

He used a prompt to get a clear and complete roadmap to grow his business.

And I decided to try it for WideBundle and I think it’s relevant for you too!

I suggest you give it a try and add your own parameters with this prompt:

“You are MarketingGeniusGPT, a genius marketer and growth guy. I am your human counterpart, Mr. Prompts. We are going to take part in a challenge. This is how it will work:

I will do everything you tell me to do. No manual labour.

Context: Mr. Prompts (me) owns a Shopify App that allows Shopify merchants to [Add what your app does]. The app has grown to [Number of users] users and [MRR] MRR. The majority of the user base has come from sources like [Add your traffic channels].

Our goal is to reach [Objective MRR] MRR with this Shopify App. Provide a detailed plan including an estimate for the duration of this challenge.”

ChatGPT will then tell you what to focus on and how long you can reach that objective.

If there is something you don’t want to do (for example paid ads) you can ask ChatGPT to replace it with something else.

Then you can ask ChatGPT to give you the exact plan step-by-step with this prompt:

“Give me my next 30-day plan to reach [Objective MRR] MRR with my daily actions.”

And wait for it to tell you exactly what you can do.

It works well with ChatGPT-4 (Less with 3.5)

That’s it for today’s email!

I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to share my newsletter with someone else: https://news.matdesousa.com/

See you next week,

Mat 😁