#53 - Build A Successful Shopify App - Mistakes šŸš€

Hey! šŸ˜

Do you know that feeling of unlocking a new step in your business? I just felt that again!

We reached $44,000 MRR with WideBundle/WideReview and I get that feeling every time we reach a new milestone.

Exactly 3 years ago we started WideBundle (in May 2020) and went through different stages to be where I am today!

But if I want to reach the 2023 goal ($60K MRR) I need to do way moreā€¦

May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

8 months.

Thatā€™s $2000 MRR to add every month.

I wonā€™t lie, at our current speed, we wonā€™t make it. But goals should be complicated.

You have to set goals high enough so you have to fight for it. But not too high so you donā€™t get discouraged.

But thanks to our plan, we can accelerate. We can go faster! šŸš€

And I trust the plan Iā€™ve made.

I already shared the plan in my previous emails but there are 3 stages to reach that goal:

1/ The consolidation stage

We had a list of things we needed to do before going to the next stage.

  • Hiring 1 developer āœ…

  • Hiring 1 customer support agent āœ…

  • Working and releasing the new app code āœ…

  • Rewriting and creating the technical documentation šŸ”ƒ

  • Rewriting and creating support processes āœ…

Iā€™m finishing the technical documentation. One of the worst parts we all agree. šŸ˜‚

That stage isnā€™t for growth. Itā€™s to ensure the building wonā€™t fall during growth.

And then we go to the next stage.

2/ The improvement & the content stage

We start the content stage now but the impact will be for our 3rd one. The problem is that content takes time so you donā€™t see the results immediately. You have to accept that you need months in order to see the benefits.

And thatā€™s ok.

We also had a few things for that phase, and weā€™re still on that one:

  • Start a TikTok account šŸ”ƒ

  • Start an Instagram account šŸ”ƒ

  • Start a Blog šŸ”ƒ

  • Start a Youtube channel šŸ”ƒ

  • Release highly requested settings šŸ”ƒ

  • Fix common issues šŸ”ƒ

That stage should prepare the real growth and fix our churn. We should start to see some growth though!

3/ The growth stage

Q4 should be phenomenal. If you have a Shopify App you know that moment of the year is the best one.

Merchants are crazy for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, etcā€¦

And weā€™ll use that period to ship, ship, ship, and use content.

  • Release important requested features šŸ”ƒ

  • Do more content (TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, Blog, etc) šŸ”ƒ

  • Increase prices šŸ”ƒ

  • Release more Shopify Plans šŸ”ƒ

  • Referral Program (maybe) šŸ”ƒ

And I canā€™t wait to show you the results!

Iā€™ll finish this email by sharing with your 6 BIG mistakes Iā€™ve made while building my different businesses

6 big mistakes

1/ Not validating my business idea

The first one is a mistake I talk about a lot because this is probably the most important and the mistake everyone will make.

Does that sound familiar?

  • You get a business idea

  • You spend months working on your idea

  • You finally release it

  • Nobody shows upā€¦

Here is a better idea:

  • You think about an audience

  • You search for that audience online and offline

  • You spend time with that audience

  • You find a problem

  • You validate with them the problem

  • You build your product

2/ Not tracking my data

In 2017, when I built my first Shopify App, I grew it to $1000 MRR. But not more than that.

And I tried different things. I remember being on my computer, tired, to find something new that I could try.

The reason why I couldnā€™t grow was simple: I didnā€™t know what was wrong.

I wasnā€™t tracking my data, so I didn't know if my activation rate was low, conversion rate, or perhaps my churn, I didnā€™t know!

3/ Lifetime deals

I built a SaaS business after my 3 Shopify apps and before WideBundle. This was when I didnā€™t want to build Shopify Apps anymore.

And I built a tool to help merchants find and analyze Instagram influencers.

To get cash quickly I decided to run a lifetime deal. However, the goal was just to earn quick money.

The problem was that users stayed after that quick money, and I had to support them ā€œfor freeā€.

Because a lifetime deal gets you quick money in the short term, but less money in the long term.

4/ Not testing developers

I hired a developer for the WideBundle website a few years ago because I didnā€™t want to spend time on it myself.

I told myself it was a simple website so I didnā€™t need to test the developer, etc.

So I hired someone from Upwork who had great reviews.

It was a terrible mistake.

  • The website had many problems

  • Deadlines not met

So I decided not to hire someone anymore if Iā€™m not 100% sure they can do the job.

5/ Spending too much time building

That problem usually happens with the first one. Spending too much time building because you want to make something ā€œperfectā€.

For my first Shopify App I spent not more than 2 weeks to release something. And we grew it to $1000 MRR

For the 2nd and 3rd Shopify apps, that didnā€™t even work, I spent months building them. Months!

And I never made money.

6/ Building too many features

Iā€™m similar to 5/ but you can build too many features and not spend too much time.

Itā€™s not because itā€™s quick to add a new feature, that you should do it.

  • It adds friction

  • Your users have to figure out this feature

Itā€™s something else in your userā€™s mind. So if that feature isnā€™t useful and most people donā€™t want it, it doesnā€™t make sense to have it.

Thatā€™s it for todayā€™s email!

I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to share my newsletter with someone else: https://news.matdesousa.com/

See you next week,

Mat šŸ˜