BSSA #100 - Finding $1M SaaS Ideas (and Shopify Apps)

Here we are.

Newsletter number #100 🚀

What a journey.

For those who’ve been reading it since the beginning: Thank you 🙏

And for the new people who joined us: Thank you too đŸ«Ą

Let’s celebrate this with a brand-new video 👇

How to find $1,000,000 SaaS Ideas

(just click on the image)

That’s the process I follow to find ideas worth building.

You can watch it and then come back to this email.

Let’s jump into this newsletter!

In today’s email we’re going to talk about:

  • The Shopify App Directory to get new app partnerships

  • ShopTank - The first app competition

  • I attended a Shopify B2B event in Paris

  • Making decisions based on data

Let’s go! đŸ”„

The Shopify App Directory to get new app partnerships

I noticed a common problem with Shopify App Founders: finding app partnerships.

Whether it’s in DM or in my Facebook communities, people are looking for new partners.

But they all have the exact same issues:

  • It’s hard to find partners

  • It’s complicated to get the contact of the person in charge (usually you need to contact the support of the app)

  • After contacting them you don’t get replies

  • If you do replies they tell you that they don’t want to do partnerships

  • If you have the opportunity to do partnerships, they will share numbers lower than expected or they won’t do as many marketing activities as you

Well! Many problems!

Yet, we all want to do partnerships because they work!

Your users can be my users. And vice-versa.

It costs nothing (except time) so the ROI is huuuuge!

That explains why we still want to do them with all the problems.

So I asked a simple question in the group:

And it seems like many people were interested đŸ€Ż

I had conversations with many of you who confirmed it was a tool we needed.

(Note here that I followed the exact same process I teach you: pick a niche, find problems, validate the problem, talk to potential users 👀)

So I decided to build it!

If you do have that problem as well, reply to this email and tell me all the features you’d like to see! And describe your problem when doing partnerships!

I’ll personally reply to each of you! And you’ll have the chance to be an early user!

ShopTank - The first app competition

Shopify Editions is in a week. It’s the first in-person event organized by Shopify after they announced they won’t be hosting an event anymore (it was 2 years ago)

Hundreds of people are expected with many speakers (a lot of people from the Shopify App ecosystem which is amazing)

I won’t be a speaker this time because I have another amazing role

I will be one of the 4th judges for the 1st edition of ShopTank!

ShopTank follows the same rule as the famous “Shark Tank” show.

4 apps will demo on the community stage in front of many other partners.

And 4 judges will say if the app is worth it and even if they will talk about it with their customers!

It’s also a good opportunity for these apps to be seen by many other partners and agencies!

Shopify Apps owners could submit their app (submissions ended on the 13th of June. If you missed it, be sure to follow me on X to be notified of events like this one)

And the selected apps that will have the opportunity to demo during Editions should be announced today 👀

I’m happy to be part of this 1st edition! And I hope that there will be more!

I attended a Shopify B2B event in Paris

Follow the trends, be curious. This is something I always tell you and I’m following my own advice.

I know nothing about Shopify B2B, but Shopify is going all-in on it. There is a huge opportunity!

Building a B2B store will be different than building a regular one with new features.

And from what I saw, many things can be built!

But since I know nothing about it, I wanted to learn!

This month, an agency organized a Shopify B2B event to help agencies understand this new market.

It was a way for me to get introduced to this new ecosystem. But also to schedule calls with some agencies (I have 3 calls planned with Shopify Agencies working with merchants)

And I knew about this event because, again, I followed my advice: connecting with as many people from the ecosystem as possible.

I was following this person on LinkedIn who organized the invite-only event. I contacted him and was able to attend it! It's as simple as that.

Leave your house, and connect with people. It’s the best way to grow your business.

Making decisions based on data

When it comes to making decisions, you know how I love data. (even without making decisions)

Because data knows if you should do something or not.

The question is: How do you know you have to use data??

For some people, it’s not natural.

Usually, when making a decision, try to back it up with data.

It’s a good way to know if your decision is right.

And to make it easier for you, everytime you (or someone from your team) say: “I think we should

Then there is a problem.

You don’t think. You KNOW or you don’t.

For example: “I think we should change the onboarding”

Why? Why do you think you should?

“I think it would be better for users”

But you don’t know!

Instead, you could say: “We will change the onboarding because we only have 35% of the people actually using our dashboard and only 10% are following the onboarding”

Now there is a reason why you should change it!

Think about it the next time you’ll say “I think we should

Thanks for reading this email. Feel free to share it with a friend, a partner, or a customer.

So see you in the next email!

Mat 😁