BSSA #102 - My new SaaS idea for Shopify App Founders

Hey! How are you?

I’ve been busy. That’s what happens when you do deep work.

Not sharing a lot, whether on Facebook, Twitter, or even Linkedin. But you know me, soon I’ll be able to share some great stuff with full value! With probably new things I never talked about!

Let’s dive into this new email!

In today’s email we’re going to talk about:

  • My new SaaS Business for Shopify App Founders

  • I am looking for a co-founder

  • How to build the MVP for a new Shopify App

Let’s go! 🔥

My new SaaS Business for Shopify App Founders

You’ve read it correctly: I am starting a new SaaS business.

This time, it isn’t for Shopify Merchants but for people like me or like you: Shopify App Founders.

If you’ve read my previous emails, I mentioned something about partnerships.

And this new SaaS business will solve that problem.

I faced multiple problems that other founders face too:

It is complicated to close a deal with another app to form a partnership!

  • It’s hard to get the contact of the person in charge (and when you get it, they’re not interested)

  • It’s hard to get the number of users of the other app (it’s sometimes not what you expected)

  • Back and forth is complicated. Getting a contract that works for both is complicated.

  • And keeping the partnerships can be tough as you get more partners

I’ve been there, and I’m still having trouble with these!

So the goal is to create something that would make everything easier.

The promise would be: Find app partnerships in days, not in months.

And to find this SaaS idea, I followed my own advice. You know, the advice about finding problems.

→ Find a niche you like (Shopify App Founders)
→ Find problems they have (Read every post you can + create as many conversations as possible then ask yourself: What’s the problem here?)
→ Find the SaaS idea to solve it

It’s not more complicated.

So, many people recently in the Shopify App Founders community talked about partnerships; they were looking for partners and stuff like that.

So I asked myself, what’s the problem? Why do they do that?

Then, I checked with my own business to see if I had this issue.

Then I checked with more people. And I concluded that it was the right idea.

Now, it doesn’t mean I’ll be successful with it. But we reduce the risks that way.

I am looking for a co-founder

All right. Now that I have shared this new idea, I want to partner with someone!

I aim to share this journey with someone else instead of doing everything myself (as I always did).

This SaaS business is a big opportunity, and I can make it grow a lot. Especially because in a few years, you can always open it and not target only Shopify App Founders.

It could become a $100M SaaS product, or even more!

I’d like to partner with a builder, a maker, someone who doesn’t hesitate to get their hands dirty. Someone who loves code and is ready for this adventure.

I need a killer willing to work with me on that.

If you’re interested or know someone who might be, fill out the form below! 👇

How to build the MVP for a new Shopify App

In other emails I shared how to find problems to solve, and how to find the Shopify App Idea.

I now want to share with you how to build an MVP, at least, how I see it.

Most developers will find an idea and go right into the code. They think their product is the best in the world, and they will spend hours, then days, then weeks, and finally months before releasing it.

Because it needs to be “perfect”. That’s a mistake.

But some other people know the MVP is crucial, yet they don’t know what makes a good MVP, when we should stop building, or when we have to build more.

So let’s check this together!

a/ Features

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It’s the first version of your product that should be usable.

What are the minimum features you can build for the app to make sense? Without additional features or things you think are useful.

If someone pointed a gun at your head and asked you to build your app in a week. What features would you build first?

That’s how you find the features.

Let’s take Wide Bundle. We have a lot of features, but if we think about the most simple version.

It would be 1 design. It worked for 1 theme. And it creates bundle. Nothing more.

I take the problem I want to solve, and I solve it, even if it’s not 100%. At least it works.

That’s how I want you to think about your product

b/ Time spent

The goal of the MVP is to not lose time. I don’t want you to spend months building an “MVP”.

You don’t need it, especially for a Shopify App.

For most app, 2-3 weeks is enough.

Building something quickly also means you can iterate fast. You can listen to feedback and pivot.

If you need more time than what I said, ask yourself: Are you building the most basic version you can?

c/ Ship it quickly

Building an MVP is a way to give your app to your users faster. You can pass the Shopify approval process faster (because your app is smaller) to get customers quickly.

On top of that, they will request features you can build because that’s exactly what you want!

d/ Remove things that aren’t important

Think minimum product:

  • Don’t focus too much on the quality of the code. It's better to go fast.

  • Don’t focus too much on the design. Think efficiency.

  • Don’t focus too much on documentation. Just ship.

  • Don’t focus too much on data (yea I know it sounds weird coming from me). Focus on your basic features.

  • Don’t add an email system.

You got it! Remove everything that isn’t useful! You’ve got time to do it after. Your goal should be to build simple features and get users as soon as possible.

Do you have any specific questions about things I didn’t cover? Let me know!

Thanks for reading this email. Feel free to share it with a friend, a partner, or a customer.

So see you in the next email!

Mat 😁