BSSA #65 - This is a complicated situation.

I’m going through a very complicated phase.

Even though we reached $900,000 in earnings for WideBundle, I have to deal with this situation.

Let me explain.

Yesterday my computer shut down suddenly. It had already happened before so I didn’t panic.

I turned it on again and waited. As I saw the loading bar, the mac shutdown again. Shit.

This already happened a few weeks ago but I could finally restart it. I took a deep breath, forced the computer to shut down and turned it on again.

Nothing. Same shit. The loading bar gets stuck and reboots after a few seconds.

I started to panic. Most of my files are on the cloud, but some are on the computer. Important images, screenshots, invoices.

And obviously all the tools and settings for the business. I tried to restart it a thousand times.

I had to conclude: The computer won’t restart.

It was already late so I decided to wait until the next day to go and buy a new computer.

I would have to reinstall everything and we would probably have to take the day to do it. But it was all right.

I spent the evening trying to recover my files, reinstall the OS, and everything. But I faced many issues.

But this isn’t over yet… If it were the only problem it would be ok…

Today I woke up and tried to go to Facebook. I was disconnected.

And as I tried to log in, I faced this unbelievable truth: The email or the password was not working.

I reached a panic level that was way more than yesterday.

I checked my emails:

“Email added to your account”

“Password changed”

“Email removed from your account”

Someone hacked me. I woke up like crazy and went straight to my girlfriend’s computer. I was shaking like never before.

I tried Facebook process to recover hacker accounts. Nothing helped.

And suddenly I realized: I won’t be able to recover my account

And all these thoughts started to pop into my head in seconds:

  • My business manager, I have many payment cards on it!

  • My Facebook groups!

  • I don’t even have my computer

  • I will have to cancel all payment cards

  • But I have to buy a new computer!

  • But I’m going to Portugal in a week!

I immediately called every person I knew that could help me on this one. Someone replied and for the others I’m still waiting for a reply.

We might have a solution with one person but it’s an assumption. I have no idea whether I’ll be able to get my account back with everything related to it.

Because let me tell you, my Facebook account is one of my most precious assets!

So I’m here,

I am writing this email from my girlfriend’s computer, with no credit card, no Facebook account, and no tools to access my code.

Only one thing stays to help me handle my business: The team.

And thank god they’re here. I don’t have to worry about support, technical issues, features development or even marketing actions.

The business can still run.

But I have just one question: Will I ever wake up from that nightmare?

That is not a regular email. No marketing hack, no strategy, nothing. But I always said this newsletter was like a diary and I think it’s good to show the negative moments.

Well, this is a very critical situation. And I don’t know how it will end.

But our most important quality as an entrepreneur is our flexibility and our ability to look at what we have, what we know, and who we know, to make decisions and deal with complicated situations.

I’m not saying I have a solution now, I’m not saying it will end positively. I’m saying I’ll try everything I can to return.

That’s it for today’s email!

Feel free to share my newsletter with someone else:

And let me know what you want me to talk about in the next email!

See you next week,
